The Phoenix Philanthropy Group partners with organizations and individuals to build the strategies and resources to optimize their impact on our global society. We do so by serving their needs with strategic, outcomes-driven revenue generation, constituent relations, strategic planning, and organizational development services that help our clients fulfill their missions and achieve their goals.
The Phoenix Philanthropy Group empowers organizations and individuals to achieve the greater good.
- Integrity: The Phoenix Philanthropy Group is committed to integrity in our relationships with, and the outcomes achieved for, our clients, their donors, and constituents. We work with clients who share a similar commitment to integrity.
- Accountability: The foundation of good philanthropy is accountability. Our company, and our clients, must demonstrate transparency, accountability, and measurability in all aspects of our work.
- Innovation: Much about philanthropy is historically proven, and the consistent implementation of “tried and true” fundraising methods often leads to success. However, in an increasingly competitive and complex philanthropic environment, innovation is required for optimal results and maximum return on investment.
- Results: We will get results. Fundraising goals will be met. Target programs and services will be funded. Client organizations will be strengthened in sustainable ways. Donors will be proud of their investments and will be compelled to give again. And, most importantly, the lives of our clients’ constituents will be meaningfully and positively impacted.
Your purpose is our purpose; your passion is our passion. It’s important to us that each project we undertake focuses, from start to finish, on your goals and expectations – and that your organization’s needs are anticipated, met, and exceeded. To articulate our commitment to being part of your team, we have given voice to The Phoenix Philanthropy Group’s Five Client Promises.
- Promise 1: Listen. Ask. Understand. Deliver.
- Promise 2: Embrace the mission. Make a positive, measurable, and sustainable difference.
- Promise 3: Think local, think global, but always think about the client.
- Promise 4: Diverse perspectives. Broad experience. Better ideas.
- Promise 5: Energy and enthusiasm enrich great thinking.
The Phoenix Philanthropy Group recognizes that many clients do not have access to the full complement of resources necessary to successfully execute comprehensive campaigns and complex strategies. But that will not stop us from helping you achieve success.
Our team will work shoulder-to-shoulder with you to get the job done. When necessary, we will assemble a SWAT team of highly qualified professionals from our network of affiliated consultants. This cost-effective, productive, and rapid solution means we can tackle any size project.
We know we are different than many development professionals: we are consultants and team members. Customized solutions are our forte. We are a firm that listens, engages, and partners with clients to explore the strategies and solutions necessary for optimal results. Above all, we are honest. We will not always tell you what you want to hear. Rather, we will tell you what you need to hear to make progress and achieve your goals.
We sincerely believe how we partner with you can transform – like the Phoenix rising – the very way philanthropic consulting works.